I know I sound skeptical, and a good church girl shouldn't say things like that, but come on--really? I have heard this so many times. I've said it to others. I've recited it to myself. I have even whispered it in the quiet hours when all I could do was depend on Jesus.
I've had seasons of my life filled with joy and victories. While others periods of my life have been riddled with pain and what felt like defeat. Maybe I could be so bold to say that I have had moments where I was, again, dare I say it, angry or just plain annoyed?
Joy, victory, pain, defeat, anger and annoyance. That's life right?
There's more. There's so much more. What's the more???
The more is simple for me. It's my own personal cheerleader running through my mind with pom-poms and cute pony tails. You see, I always wanted to be a cheerleader. So, in my own little world I have a personal cheerleader. Don't judge me. I bet you want one too.
God always takes care of His kids. (This is all said with a cheer leader jumping with shiny pom-poms and perfect uniform.)
God takes care of me when I feel joy and experience victories.
God takes care of me when I am in pain and feel defeated.
God takes care of me when I am angry or annoyed.
Why? Well, two reasons.
1. I am God's kid.
2. God always takes care of His kids.
Simple. Yeah, on paper. But, in real life it is complicated. So complicated. I know it, I really do. Promise.
Today I chose to stand on God's word and believe the promise in Deuteronomy 7 that says, "God wasn't attracted to you and didn't chose you because you were big and important---the fact is, there was almost nothing to you. He did it out of sheer love."
I am the "you" in this scripture. It could read more like this....
I wasn't attracted to you and didn't choose you because you were big and important---the fact is, there was almost nothing to you. I did it out of sheer love.
God (The One who always takes care of His kids)
Maybe I needed to document this promise just for me, or perhaps you needed to hear it just one more time. God takes care of His kids. Not because of us. But, ALL because of Him!
Be encouraged! If you are in a season of jubilance, breakdowns, or discontentment---it doesn't change the care of our Jesus! He chose us, not because we were either big or important, but because of His unqualified, utterly amazing, love.
God always takes care of His kids. ALWAYS in ALL WAYS!
I am living a blessed life,